sábado, 18 de dezembro de 2010

Survey Practice

Survey Practice Mission
The mission of Survey Practice is to provide current information on issues in survey research and public opinion that is useful to survey and public opinion practitioners, new survey researchers, and those interested in survey and polling methods. The articles in Survey Practice emphasize useful and practical information designed to enhance survey quality by providing a forum to share advances in practical survey methods, current information on conditions affecting survey research, and interesting features about surveys and people who work in survey research.

Survey Practice Description

Survey Practice is an official publication of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. Survey Practice has both public opinion and survey research articles. Most articles are short and written so that all survey researchers and an informed public can understand them. The articles are not peer reviewed but the editors ensure the articles meet high quality standards. Survey Practice is published monthly on the Web only.

Survey Practice Content

Survey Practice has research articles that demonstrate both successful and not so successful survey procedures designed to achieve specified goals. Some research articles provide information to survey managers about the conditions in the field. Other articles are aimed towards providing current information to polling organizations and others who use public opinion data. Survey Practice welcomes all articles related to the practice of survey research and public opinion. Many articles in Survey Practice are written by practicing survey professionals.